Duluth mn soil type
Duluth mn soil type

The soil temperature sensors are placed in soil conditions similar to a crop field with a medium amount of residue cover. The MDA installed soil temperature probes are connected to DNR data logging systems and every 15 minutes current data from this equipment is loaded onto this interactive map. The Six-Inch Soil Temperature Network sites are co-located at DNR cooperative stream gauging sites. It is a cooperative effort between the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the MDA. The MDA is responsible for the development, promotion and evaluation of BMPs for pesticide and nitrogen fertilizer use. The Six-Inch Soil Temperature Network helps meet that responsibility. View the interactive Vulnerable Groundwater Area Map to learn more. The Groundwater Protection Rule restricts the fall application of nitrogen fertilizer in areas with vulnerable groundwater. Wells have exceeded the state's drinking water standard of 10 mg/L in several areas of the state. Unfortunately, this has led to elevated nitrate levels in drinking water wells.

duluth mn soil type

Leached nitrate can travel to groundwater and cause an increase in nitrate levels. By delaying application, more nitrogen is available to the crop the following growing season. This transformation is reduced when soil temperatures are below 50 degrees F.

duluth mn soil type

Soil microbes transform ammonium to nitrate, which is highly mobile with water and can leach from the soil. It reacts immediately upon contact with soil water to form ammonium which binds tightly to the soil. The University of Minnesota Extension also recommends the same temperature delay for fall manure application to minimize leaching losses.Īmmonia (NH3) is one of the primary forms of nitrogen applied in the fall. In areas of the state where fall nitrogen fertilizer application is appropriate, Minnesota's nitrogen BMPs recommend the fall application of urea (46-0-0) and anhydrous ammonia (82-0-0) be delayed until soil temperatures at a six-inch depth stabilize below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (F). The network was established to assist in following best management practices (BMPs) for fall nitrogen fertilizer application which refer to a soil temperature at a six-inch depth (6 inch soil temp).

duluth mn soil type

The MDA Six-Inch Soil Temperature Network provides real time soil temperatures at locations across the state and is maintained by the MDA.

Duluth mn soil type